Players on the Margins - Roster Moves in Fantasy Hoops (Week 5)

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On this episode of Projecting the Jump Fantasy Basketball podcast, we take a deeper look at some players living on the margins of your roster. A golden rule of season long fantasy management is always knowing who your worst player is. Who is the cut you'd be ready to make when a must-have free agent is calling your name? During this pod we profiled several players whose big name cache is overshadowing very replicable production. When is it better to stream through a spot, rather than hold a player? Natron Clean & Flyin' J discuss that line, and the players hovering around it.

PTJ is an independent Fantasy Basketball Podcast that dives deep into the margins. A pod for the people - for fantasy hoop heads by fantasy heads!

If you like what you hear, please kindly RATE/REVIEW/SHARE/SUBSCRIBE! Follow PTJ on Twitter @projthejumpod & Flyin’ J himself @Quanophysics Find us on YouTube at

Love organic fair trade coffee & vintage NBA trading cards? So do we! Check out our partnership with Steel Bridge Coffee! You already know the takes shall remain scorching hot. "Natron Clean" IS Nathan Litke. "Flyin' J" IS Jamie Macquarrie.

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