NBA Draft - College Basketball Cut

Show notes

Recorded on the eve of the 2024 Final Four but yet to be released on audio - you won't find longer winded rants on Kentucky guards Rob Dillingham or Reed Sheppard anywhere! Great conversation - one part fantasy freak (Flyin' J) and one part College Basketball historian/junky (@LilAristophanes) - get prospect profiles for players across the 2024 NBA Draft boards!

Includes but not limited to: Rob Dillingham Reed Sheppard Justin Edwards Johnny Furphy Cody Williams Tristan Da Silva KJ Simpson Ja’kobe Walter Carlton Carrington
Kyshawn George Terrence Shannon Jr Tyler Kolek

PTJ is an independent Fantasy Basketball Podcast that dives deep into the margins. A pod for the people - for fantasy hoop heads by fantasy heads!

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Follow PTJ on Twitter @projthejumpod & Flyin’ J himself @Quanophysics

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You already know the takes shall remain scorching hot.

"Natron Clean" IS Nathan Litke. "Flyin' J" IS Jamie Macquarrie.

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