All Fantasy Glue Guys 2.0

Show notes

The people demanded it, so our fearless hosts delivered! As we approach the All-Star break, who are the Glue Guys (GG) holding winning fantasy rosters together? Fantasy titles are won in the margins, and the GG 2.0 team is as marginal as it gets!

Players discussed on this pod include: King Killian / Maximan Derrick White / Quentin Grimes / KCP / Markelle Fultz / Spencer Dinwiddie / Buddy Hield (“never wows always plows”) / Rolls Royce O’Neale / Killa’ Cam Johnson / PJ Washington / Tha Plumdogg / Steven Mt Adams / Brook Lopez / Al Horford

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You already know the takes shall remain scorching hot.

"Natron Clean" IS Nathan Litke. "Flyin' J" IS Jamie Macquarrie.

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